2011 US Nationals News & Reviews


Sunday, October 30

13100_mediumWelcome to the News & Reviews of Saturday, October 29th, the final day of the 2011 US National Arabian & Half-Arabian Horse Championships - and what a day it was! Wow! The morning began with three halter classes in the Pavilion including the Arabian Mare, AOTR, which was won by Suzanna MPA and shown by David Merlau. Meanwhile classes were being held in the Ford Arena, including Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse, won by Jullyanna and ridden by Cynthia Burkman. Shawn Rooker won the English Pleasure Futurity, riding Prosuasion, and the Arabian English Show Hack, was won by MM Sabe and ridden by Larry Hoffman.

Later, all the afternoon classes, halter and performance, were conducted in the Ford Arena. It was a well-planned schedule that alternated between performance and halter, which created a wonderful flow of nonstop excitement. Some highlights include John Ryan winning the English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship with Defying Gravity RGS...

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Saturday, October 29

13083_mediumWelcome to the News & Reviews of Friday, October 28th from the US National Arabian Horse Championships! Friday's schedule was all about championship finals; every class was awarding trophies, ribbons, and roses - lots of red roses!

The morning started off on a light schedule with no performance classes in the Ford Area. Instead, that space was used for the youth judging contest - an important event as those young people are the future of the breed and believe me, they take it very seriously. Halter classes were held in the Pavilion and it was standing room only when they brought in the yearling colts. Overall it was an exceptional group that showed a wonderful depth of quality and type...

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Friday, October 28

13026_mediumWelcome to the News & Reviews of Thursday, October 27th from the US National Arabian Horse Championships! It was a bit of a cold, wet, windy day here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but less then perfect weather rarely, if ever, stops a horse show. It may sound trite, but it is true - it takes a lot more to dampen the spirits of these top competitors! Although the sky was dark and grey, there were many bright moments throughout the day.

In the Pavilion's halter arena on Thursday morning, we all enjoyed several classes of aged stallions. Many of these were horses we have seen before in the prenationals promotional newsletters we receive. But nothing compares to seeing them in the flesh - living, breathing, standing before you with their eyes flashing, manes and tails flying as they trot into the ring... http://www.arabhorse.com/article/2011-us-nationals-news-reviews-saturday

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Thursday, October 27


One of the first things I did when I got to the US Nationals was to pick up a show schedule - it had been revised since it was posted on the web. With each passing day that schedule became dog eared and creased until I finally wised up and got a digital version for my iphone - brilliant! But trying decide if I wanted to watch the halter classes in the Pavilion or the performance classes in the Ford Arena, which are held simultaneously, is seriously stressing. I can't imagine what it is like for people who have horses performing in each area at the same time. I spoke with several people today who had that dilemma. Some people had horses of their own showing, while others had sold the horses and the new owners were showing them. Either way - the breeders were very intent and committed to see both if possible. Image having a halter horse in one arena and a performance horse in other and some horses were competing in more than one division...

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Wednesday, October 26


The 2011 US Nationals is in full swing. With the start of the halter and breeding classes, all three arenas were now put to use. The description of a "three ring circus" actually describes the show grounds quite accurately. Trucks, trailers, cars, golf cart, bicycles, scooters, people, dogs, and of course horses are all dodging each other trying to get to where they need to be at the proper time. It's pretty comical sometimes - as long as no one gets hurt, and we've been very lucky in that regard. And in case anyone is ever wondering, horses always have the right of way!

The thing that really stood out for me today was teamwork. There is a saying, "No man is an island", and that is certainly true at this horse show. Everywhere I looked, there were people working together to achieve a common goal...

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Tuesday, October 25


The competition at the US Nationals is intense. Everyone has high hopes for a good performance - so sometimes it's nice to get away from the fray and have some quiet time - perhaps some retail therapy will quiet those nerves.

This year the commercial exhibits at the US Nationals are an eclectic mix of high-end fashion and accessories for the Arabian horse community and all of their four-legged friends, as well as some rather interesting choices. Take a stroll through the Exhibit hall and you can be the judge. Whatever your tastes or needs are, you can be sure to find something to delight you.

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Monday, October 24

12881_smallWelcome to NEWS & REVIEWS from the 2011 US National Arabian Horse Championships! This is it! This is the show everyone has been working toward - some for a year, some for even longer. The energy is fantastic and spirits are high. I've spoken with people who have been attending and competing at the show for more than 25 years. I've also met and spoke to some people who are here at the nationals for the very first time! Everyone is excited and happy to be here.

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2011 U.S. Nationals Photo Gallery

A Special Thank you to our Sponsors:


Show photos available through Ferrara Photography: www.ferraraphoto.com