Arabhorse Spotlight - Teal Dowling & Angie Larson




Teal Dowling






Spring Prairie, Wisconsin



Kevin Price; Price Performance Horses


First prize ever won:

PB. English Pleasure Walk/Trot at the WAHA Milwaukee Show (1997)


Biggest prize ever won:

United States Equestrian Federation's Junior Equestrian of the Year


Favorite show and why:

Scottsdale has always been a favorite of mine to just fly in and watch. The atmosphere of the town along with the pageantry of the show itself and the open houses provide one of the greatest Arabian experiences available in our industry. Also, the beautiful horses and beautiful weather in the middle of February gives us Midwesterners a welcomed excuse to fly south for a vacation during the winter months.


Favorite all-time show horse, why?:

Louisville - U.S. Nationals. No other facility will ever come close to reproducing the atmosphere that Louisville had. The first horse show I ever went to was the 1996 US National Championship in Louisville, Kentucky, and that show is the show got me hooked into showing Arabian horses.


Favorite class to watch, why?:

English & Park, without any doubt because bring the excitement of showing horses out of the crowd.


Most inspirational person and why?:

Aaron Rodgers - the reason why is that this man is a class act with how he has handled all the drama laden upon him following a legend in his sport. I admire the example he's set about maintaining humility with great success or failure, the way he presents himself off the field, and most importantly how he acknowledges that success wouldn't be possible without the talent of his teammates. This, I find is very applicable to the equestrian sport.


What motivates you to show Arabian horses?:

I have fun doing what I do; no motivation needed.


Favorite all-time show horse, why?:

Matio. He's everything I've ever dreamed about having in a horse. He and I together won 14 National Championship titles in 6 show seasons in Open, Amateur, and Youth Purebred Park, English Pleasure, and Native Costume divisions. Turn around and retire this same horse, have him crawling up and down 5 foot tall river banks, swimming in ponds, and jumping 3.5' cross country a month after his last National Championship. He's also the sire of my current show horse Tomage, who just won his 7th National Championship title this year. If there is something new I want to try, most recently Mounted Shooting, or if there is someone who is coming to the farm for a trail ride that has never been on a horse before, Matio is the one I reach for. There isn't enough room or words for me to tell everyone all the stories and reasons why I love this horse. During his show career, the highlight of my day would be riding Matio -- he was exciting, raw power and since him I've haven't encountered another horse who's produced as much torque going down the rail. Matio is the Arabian Horse Experience.


Most embarrassing moment at a horse show:

I was showing Native Costume at Nationals a few years ago when I had a wardrobe malfunction and my head turban came completely untied and almost flew off in the middle of the class. It wouldn't have been too embarrassing except I had thrown my hair into the messiest pony-tail bun that everyone got to see.


What's your most treasured possession?

All the photographs that my family has taken over the years.


Best advice you've ever received:

The best advice that I've ever gotten has been from my Dad:


"Work now like others won't so you can play later like other can't."


What advice would you give to someone seeking show-ring success?:

Go out and find who is the very best at the division in which you're most interested and then go learn from them. You can only rise to the level to which you compare yourself to.


Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know that I... an extremely artsy/crafty person. I can make just about anything.


Talent I most wish I had:

Academia ensues, I wish I could read through a set of notes and remember everything in them after only 1 pass through.




Angela Marie Larson






Wyandotte, OK



Andrew Sellman: Argent Farms


First prize ever won:

I started taking riding lessons from Performance Plus Arabians in Sioux Falls, SD when I was about 7 years old. We went to my first show in Sioux Falls and I rode my Arabian mare in a All Breeds Western Pleasure 18 and under class. I was first place and so excited! My trainer congratulated me then quickly reminded me that I was not going to win every time I showed to keep me humble.


Biggest prize ever won:

I won my first National Championship in 2010! It was my first time competing at the US Nationals as an adult amateur handler and I showed my horse, For The Record KA to US National Champion Gelding AAOTH. He won by eleven points! It is a great feeling to obtain your first set of ROSES!


Favorite Show and Why?:

I really look forward to the Arabian Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas every year because it is held at such a fantastic venue. I have never experienced another show quite like it! I equally love the U.S nationals because it is the place where all of everyones hard work is paid off at the end of the show season. The depth of quality horses is amazing in every division and I love to watch  great halter as well as great performance classes!


Favorite All-Time Show Horse, Why?:

Adams Fire! He does his job with such ease and has huge heart. He is all anyone could ever ask for!


If you could own/show any horse from past to present, who would it be and why?:

It is hard to choose just one but I would LOVE to own Gloria Apal. One of my favorite things in this world is a beautiful white mare! She is special and anyone who has gotten to be around her knows this.


Favorite class to watch an why?:

I enjoy watching championship classes on Friday and Saturday night at the US Nationals! It is so amazing to see great halter, english and western horses competing all in one night. I have tremendous respect for all disciplines and love the feelings of camaraderie on these special nights!


Most Inspirational Person and Why?:

I get to travel to many places and meet amazing people that I am honored to call friends, but the most inspirational people to me are the ones who can enjoy the Arabian horse for its beauty, personality and versatility. It is refreshing to be surrounded by people who love these horses and feel thankful for being in their presence.


What motivates you to show Arabian horses?:

My grandfather has had Arabian horses for many years. My family says that as soon as I could crawl I would pull myself up to the big picture window at his house to watch the horses. The horses captured my heart at an early age and I am so thankful to have them be such a huge part of my life! It has been very special to share the love for Arabian horses with my grandfather all these years!


Best advice you ever received:

Someone once told me that is important to win well AND lose well, because you cannot win every time.  I am definitely competitive but would never want to show poor sportsmanship towards others.


What advice would you give to someone seeking success?:

It is supposed to be fun! Show up prepared to do your best. Tiny details are important and do make a difference. And finally, remember to win well and lose well.


Talent I most wish I had:

I wish that I was creative. We are surrounded by people in life who are visionaries and being inventive comes so easily. This would be a great   talent to have come so naturally.


Know someone who deserves to be in the spotlight? Email us and let us know!


Eric Mendrysa - - 480.707.2825